GFS: Forecast and analysis maps

4 / day

GFS 0.25 ° Europe gfs0p25 Forecast maps with full 0.25° resolution for the coming 6 days (144h)
- including pseudo-satellite loop
- 24h precipitation maps for each day
- composite maps (TStorm, GWL)
- Meteogram generator

GFS status:

World weather

Overview maps

Quasi-analysis (+6h forecasts) for different regions of the world, as well as hemispheric and global overview maps: gfs_oas gfs_nam gfs_eu worldweather gfs_aus gfs_sam gfs_hem

Precipitation sums

RRsum Predicted precipitation sums for GFSmaster (week 1) and ensemble mean (week 1+2), worldwide:

Stratosphere (hemispheric)

stratosphere Analysis and forecast maps for 20hPa level
- based on the GFS' 00Z/12Z runs
- 0-180h
- Northern Hemisphere only

Temperature anomalies worldwide

anomalies Analysis and forecast maps for 2m temperature anomaly
- based on the GFS' 00/06/12/18Z runs, 0-168h
- past and future 7/30 days averages
- anomaly derived from GFS minus CFS Reanalysis
- (C) by Karsten Haustein