Europe domain
- 2 runs per day (00Z and 12Z)
- forecast period: 3 days (0-72h)
- using GFS boundary data
- update times: 05:30 CET / 17:30 CET
WRF: Forecast maps
Central Europe domain
- 2 runs per day (00Z and 12Z)
- forecast period: 3 / 2 days (0-72/54h)
- using WRF12km boundary data
- update times (day 2): 07:30 CET / 19:30 CET
- Meteogram generator
Europe+Atlantic domain
- 1 run per day (06Z)
- forecast period: 6 days (0-144h)
- using GFS boundary data
- update time: 11:55 CET
Europe domain
- 1 run per day (00Z)
- forecast period: 3 days (0-72h)
- using GEM boundary data
- update time: 09:00 CET
Great Plains domain
- 1 run per day (06Z)
- forecast period: 2 days (0-48h)
- using GFS boundary data
- update time: 12:30 CET (U.S.: 05:30 CST)
Great Plains domain
- 1 run per day (06Z)
- forecast period: 1 day (0-30h)
- using WRF boundary data
- update time: 13:10 CET (U.S.: 06:10 CST)
Comparison GFS vs. WRF vs. ICON
Compare the precipitation forecasts of 3 models
- day1 to day3
- as well as pressure, temperature, humidity
- 00Z and 12Z runs
Verification of 24h-precipitation sums
Verification of model-predicted 24h-precipitation sums of 00Z WRF and GFS runs
- against >2000 synop station reports
- visual comparison for the last 3 days
(WRF12km vs. Measurements vs. GFS vs. WRF4km)
- scatter plots
- auto-verification for different scores, plotted for last 30 days
WRF update times and variable list
LIST of update times for all available WRF runs and
all available variables plotted as maps.
WRF status: